Power Court

The area next to St. Mary’s Church (Powercourt) has been due to be redeveloped for years. After being the site of the church vicarage surrounded by fields, it was sold around 1900 and part of the site became a power station (hence the name!). In the early 1970s it became a light industrial estate, but since the turn of this century has been largely vacant.  After a few years work, Luton Town Football Club now have planning permission develop the site with a stadium, apartment blocks, retail and other facilities. 

The church have been in conversation with the club since early on in the process and support the plans. While it will mean considerable change to the area, speaking at the planning meeting, the club were clear of their intent:  “We resolutely commit to continuing dialogue with St. Mary’s throughout the detailed stages of design and of course to continuing the close relationship once the stadium is up and running.”  Rev. Mike Jones, our Vicar has said: “St. Mary’s welcome the plans by 2020 Luton Town Football Club. The development would give us a new stage and new opportunities, and we will seek to step up to them.”

You can read more as plans develop here.